Senin, 14 Desember 2009


Sparky (laughing) : “The look on that guy’s puss!”

Hunter (amused) : “Who you talkin’ about?”

Sparky (laughing) : “That guy we just ripped off! I’m thinkin’ about the look on his face when he sees his big collection of Navajo jewelry is gone!”

Hunter : “I know somebody else who’s gonna bust a vein in his head! ...his insurance guy!”

...General laughter.

Kat (showing off a ring on her finger and taking a snobby tone) : “Madam’s jewelry ain’t too bad either!”

Hunter : “No wonder she has the nicest jewelry, with a husband that’s got the most valuable collection in Albuquerque.

Sparky (jokingly) : “Had the most valuable collection!”

...General laughter.

Sparky : “Hey, Vijay—what’s your problem!?”

Vijay (scowling) : “You shouldn’t have taken that Navajo statuette, Sparky.”

Sparky : “You’re makin’ a face ‘cause of that crummy statuette?!”

Vijay (scowling) : “That one, we shouldn’t have taken.”

Sparky : “And why not? It looks cool!”

Vijay : “Maybe, but something’s not right. We shouldn’t have stolen it.”

Hunter : “Relax, Vijay, it’s only a piece of stone!”

Vijay (his anger beginning to build) : “A piece of stone that wasn’t mixed in with the others. If the guy hid it that well, it’s because he had his reasons. Don’t you think?”

Sparky : “Whaddaya mean by that?”

Vijay (his anger coming back) : “Well, why do you think he put two circles of salt around it?”

Sparky (mockingly) : “Oh-ho, he’s gonna do the Exorcist for us now!!!”

Vijay (angry) : “In any case, we shouldn’t have taken it. It wasn’t part of the plan.”

Vijay’s firmness imposes a few seconds of silence.

Hunter : “People can do whatever they want in their own homes. The important thing is that we can steal from them!”

Sparky is the only who laughs.

Kat : So where’re we goin’?

Hunter (glad to change the subject) : “Don’t worry, a place where no one can bug us.”

Vijay : “Are you saying that for my benefit?”

Kat (calmly) : “Geez, Vij, don’t take everything so personally. (pause) So where is this place?

Hunter (taking an exaggeratedly mysterious tone) : “It’s a... ghost-town!”

Sparky (brandishing his weapon) : “Ghosts or no ghosts, we got what we need to be goddamn left alone...(looking at his watch) Hey, my watch stopped working.”

Kat (looking at her own watch) : “Mine stopped too!”

Vijay (anxious) : “Shit, me too!”

A heavy silence hangs over the group. Fear begins to creep into everyone’s spirit.

Hunter (annoyed) : “Where we’re going, we won’t need them. Time doesn’t count in Hell.”

Questions from the dialog above :

1. who is being ridiculed Sparky ?

2. what is shown Kat ?

3. apa yang mereka bicarakan?

4. anyone who speaks in a dialogue above ?
what they steal?
6. after they stole, then they'll go where?
7. anyone watch that stopped working?
"Where are we going, we will not need them. Time is not counted in the Fire."
anyone who says that?
9. what a problem happened to Vijay?
who is calm when Vijay think not steal?


The Little Jackal and The Alligator

The little Jackal was very fond of shell-fish. He used to go down by the river and hunt along the edges for crabs and such things. And once, when he was hunting for crabs, he was so hungry that he put his paw into the water after a crab without looking first, — which you never should do! The minute he put in his paw, snap ! — the big Alligator who lives in the mud down there had it in his jaws.

“Oh, dear!” thought the little Jackal; “the big Alligator has my paw in his mouth! In another min ute he will pull me down and gobble me up! What shall I do? what shall I do?” Then he thought, sud denly, “I’ll deceive him!”

So he put on a very cheerful voice, as if nothing at all were the matter, and he said, –

“Ho! ho! Clever Mr. Alligator! Smart Mr. Alliga tor, to take that old bulrush root for my paw! I hope you’ll find it very tender!”

The old Alligator was hidden away beneath the mud and bulrush leaves, and he couldn’t see any thing. He thought, “Pshaw ! I’ve made a mistake.” So he opened his mouth and let the little Jackal go.

The little Jackal ran away as fast as he could, and as he ran he called out, –

“Thank you, Mr. Alligator! Kind Mr. Alligator! So kind of you to let me go!”

The old Alligator lashed with his tail and snapped with his jaws, but it was too late; the little Jackal was out of reach.

After this the little Jackal kept away from the river, out of danger. But after about a week he got such an appetite for crabs that nothing else would do at all; he felt that he must have a crab. So he went down by the river and looked all around, very carefully. He didn’t see the old Alligator, but he thought to himself, “I think I’ll not take any chances.” So he stood still and began to talk out loud to himself. He said, –

“When I don’t see any little crabs on the land I most generally see them sticking out of the water, and then I put my paw in and catch them. I won der if there are any fat little crabs in the water to-day?”

The old Alligator was hidden down in the mud at the bottom of the river, and when he heard what the little Jackal said, he thought, “Aha! I’ll pretend to be a little crab, and when he puts his paw in, I’ll make my dinner of him.” So he stuck the black end of his snout above the water and waited.

The little Jackal took one look, and then he said, — “Thank you, Mr. Alligator! Kind Mr. Alligator! You are exceedingly kind to show me where you are! I will have dinner elsewhere.” And he ran away like the wind.

Answer the questions

  1. Where this person reading?
  2. What the moral values of the text above ?
  3. What is done when hungry jackal ?
  4. How do they lie to Alligator ?
  5. What to do Jackal when the Alligator opened his mouth ?
  6. Where Alligator hide ?
  7. What are the Jackal said when he stood on the edge of the river ?
  8. What job Jackal ?
  9. How characters Jackal ?
  10. Where the above events occur ?

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009


One day I was setting in the local library, I started to read a medical encyclopedia that was lying on the table in front of me. The first illness I read about was cholera. As I read the list of symptoms, it occurred to me that perhaps I had cholera myself. I sat for a while, too frightened to move.

Then, in a kind of dream, I started to turn the pages of the book again. I came to malaria. Yes, there was no doubt about it – I had malaria too. And I certainly had hepatitis. And yellow fever. And so it went on. I read through the whole book, and by the end I came to the conclusion that I had every illness. There was only one illness I didn’t have – and that was housemaid’s knee.

I sat and thought, and I became more and more worried. I wondered how long I had to live. I examined myself. I felt my pulse. At first, I couldn’t find it at all; then, suddenly it seems start off. I looked at my watch to time it – it was beating 147 times a minute. I tried to feel my heart. I couldn’t feel it. It wasn’t beating. I stuck my tongue out and tried to look at it. I could only see the end of it, but from that I was even more certain than before that I had yellow fever.

I went straight to my doctor, who was a good friend of mine. “What’s the matter with you?” he asked. “I have every illness in the medical encyclopedia.” I told him how I read the medical encyclopedia. Then he opened my mouth and looked at my tongue, and he felt mu pulse, and he listened to my heart. Then he sat down and wrote a prescription. It said:

  • 3 good meals every day
  • A two-mile walk every day morning
  • Be in bed at 11 o’clock every night
  • Don’t read medical books!

I followed the doctor’s instructions, and I am happy to say that I now feel quite well again.

(Adapted from Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome , first published in 1889)

Answer the questions

  1. Where this person reading?
  2. What was the first illness he thought he had?
  3. What book was he reading?
  4. What was the illness that he did not have?
  5. How did he check himself?
  6. What was the doctor’s advice?
  7. What do you think of being your own doctor?
  8. Have you met people who worry too much about their health?
  9. Have you met people who do not worry about their health?
  10. What the moral values of the text above ?


1I to the mall after school.
2My brother a bear an hour ago.
3 Mike visit his grandmother last night?
4Alex did not last weekend.
5 Judy and Liz at last month's meeting?
6We not happy after the sad ending.
7 you see Jody's new dog yesterday?
8Sorry, I hear you at the door.
9I English for two years.
10What you eat for lunch yesterday?